After seeing this story on this site, as well as other sites - TopicsExpress


 After seeing this story on this site, as well as other sites and TV, I have learned an important fact about how to watch the news; unless you are intimately familiar with one of the participants, you have no idea WHAT exactly is the truth. This story, as well as other renditions of it, omits key facts, distorts other facts, as well as it is very one-sided. My purpose in writing this is two-fold; to get out more of the other side of the story, which will add more of the truth concerning Kevin Wilcoxen, my brother, but also to ask for prayers for all of the parties involved so that the light of Christ will shine down on the participants and hopefully spread healing and love.      On December 17th, 2012, sometime after 2:00 AM, my brother was working parking lot security at the Bottomz Up gentlemans club on Jacksonvilles west side of town. This section of town has become fairly crime ridden and violent of late, and the club itself attracts a more rough clientele, prompting the need for an armed security officer to protect the lives and property of the patrons in the parking lot. This is one crucial fact that none of the news stories have reported; my brother was not just some random thug who attacked a poor defenseless woman. He was ON HIS POST, DOING HIS JOB, as a fully licensed, bonded, and insured private contract security officer, required by his employer and the client to be arrayed in full tactical gear, which included a bullet-proof vest, a 9mm pistol with hollow point ammunition ,and a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with crowd-suppressing pepper gas rounds. Again, this has become a very rough section of town. He also had on his hands medical gloves, specially designed to protect the wearer from potentially infectious body fluids, which given the environment would be bound to come up from time to time.      So sometime after 2:00AM that night, the alleged victim, Danesha Moxon, enters the parking lot, mad and more than twice the legal limit intoxicated. She was mad, because she had been attempting throughout the day to contact her childs father, who worked as a promoter at the club, to get child support money for their baby, but he had been dodging her all day; and drunk, as she had prior to coming to Bottomz Up enjoyed a night of free drinks at the Oasis clubs ladies night on the other side of town. When she pulled into the parking lot, as soon as the babys father sees her, he immediately hides in a parked car, scared of this woman to the point that he asks the armed guard, my brother, to get her to leave. Ms. Moxom sees him hide, and immediately starts shouting threats and profanity at the father. My brother then performs his duty and asks her to leave, her answer to him was to butt out, as this was between her childs father and her. Kevin repeats his request for her to leave, which in turn focuses her anger toward the father to now both of them. Added to the profanity now are threats of shooting them both, and that she has fire of her own, both in the car and the trunk, which I found out in street language the word fire means a gun. She also stated she was not afraid of the police, as she had people of her own. She then left the parking lot, after which the father ran back inside.      Thinking things were over for now, my brother chalked it up to a domestic squabble, hoping tha the two of them would work out their differences someplace else, after she was sober. He even gave her chance and did not call the police, as he knew she would be arrested for a DUI, and felt once she went home she would sleep it off.      However she entered the parking lot a second time, driving very erratically, nearly hitting my brother. He had to jump to get out of the way to avoid being hit, to the point he injured himself. Ms. Moxon was still using profanity and making threats against her childs father and my brother, threatening to shoot up the place. She was also holding her left hand down below window level, while steering with he right,giving an impression she was hiding something, which my brother feared may have been a weapon. My brother repetedly asked her to either show her hands, or leave. He was hurt, fearful for his life, as well as the lives of the patrons of the club, who were slowly beginning to disperse. He attempted to get a call out to 911, but the gloves on is hands hindered the skin contact necessary to unlock his touch screen phone. He did not want to shoot her with the nine mil yet, as she was yet to brandish a firearm, and was concerned if he did it might be construed as an unauthorized use of deadly force, even though later in the Stand Your Ground hearing this would have been his opportunity to do so, since his life had been imminently threatened with the car. But he chose a less lethal route, and retrieved his shotgun from his vehicle. Before he needed to use it though, Ms. Moxon left the parking lot to a gas station with its lights off across the street. Her and the passenger with her, her friend she had been drinking with, were acting like they were rummaging in the seats,which my brother was afraid they were retrieving a weapon.      He tried at this point to take the gloves off that was preventing him from using his phone again to call 911, but due to the mugginess of the night and his own condition, his hands were sweaty, and the gloves would not come off. Before he had a chance to work them off, Ms. Moxon returned from across the street, driving erratically, this time with the parking lot full of exiting patrons and staff, their after closing activities having concluded, also with the remaining parking lot lights having just been shut off. She was still making threats of shooting my brother and now the exiting patrons. My bother, still trying to get his gloves off to call 911, raised his shotgun and aimed at the door of her car, asking her one last time to leave. She was reversing then lurching the car forward in a back and forth motion directly in font if the entrance of he club, threatening the patrons as they were attempting to come down the ramp. When she would not listen, he fired a round at the door of her car, but being he was elevated on the ramp, the round missed the door,went through her open window and struck her in the head where she sustained her injuries. The round detonated on impact, causing the gas to disburse, which had had the desired effect of her stopping the car, the only problem being she was accidentally injured in the process.      As you can see there are many details left out of the news report, the critical one being my brother was acting in defense of himself and those he was sworn to protect. Due the conviction, his original bond of 300K, of which 10% had to be paid upfront of 30K, he had while waiting to go to trial was revoked with the guilty verdict. Now that he has had a new trial granted, the family was hoping a lesser bond would have been issued, since the family is still paying off the 30K. Now, thanks the prosecutions media stunt they pulled on Friday, the judge reset the bond at the original amount, so another $30K would have to be raised. I ask all of our Facebook friends to keep us in our prayers, to pray to the Lord our God that somehow we will either raise the funds for the new bond, or break down the doors that are in the way of my brother coming home, since his status is now back to innocent until proven guilty.   Also, I would like to ask as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, Love your enemies, bless those that persecute you, and pray for Denesha Moxon, to desist this pattern of destructive behavior, as this was not her first time having a run-in with a uniformed officer. As part of public record, in 2008, she was arrested for resisting a police officer, and using profanity in a public place, without harm to his or her person. No physical consequences were suffered then; this time she has lost the use of her eye, who know what next time could bring? If that had been the police instead of a private security guard, and she was refusing to show her hands while making threats of having a weapon and using it, I doubt seriously she would be here today to appear on television interviews. Also, where was the concern for her kids she expressed on the tape when she was out driving drunk?   And then next I would like to pray for the prosecution, who by pursuing this case with out even bringing any DUI charges against Ms. Moxon who in as much confessed in court of law she had committed that crime: what does this say about our justice system? How is it justice that a licensed, insured and bonded security guard performing his duty ends up in jail, while an admitted drunk driver who gets injured by willingly choosing to behave in a self destructive manner goes free? Something to think and pray about next time District Attorney elections come around.      Please keep us in your prayers. I know there are two or more sides to each story, but felt only one side was being told. Please pray for all involved, so that this nightmare our family is going through will come to an end, and peace resume. In the words of St. John of the Cross, Strive to preserve your heart in peace; let no event of this world disturb it; reflect that all must come to an end. I know at some point, this too will pass, the the stakes in this are high, especially for my brother. Please continue to pray for us! God Bless, Rodney Wilcoxen.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 06:29:46 +0000

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